My oh my, it's been quite a while. This holiday season has relly been hectic. First I want to start off by telling you what my mantra for the new year is. "In 2010 we're all going to win!" I know it's cheesy but it is catchy :) So if you own a business or breathe, you know how hard you got hit by the economy in 2009. Well I, like many of you, was starting to accept it for what it was. But then I had a wake up call Sunday morning by Pastor Mike. I am not going to accept it. I am going to believe that my God is who He says He is. Another little catchy phrase I'm going to use is, "In 2010, I'm not going to live like that again!" This is the start of a whole new decade. Life is what you make it. I am going to make this the best year of my life, personally and professionally.
I have so much to be thankful for and I intend to thank God every single day that I am alive and well and that my children and my family are healthy, happy and whole. Of course, I do have to make the standard resolutions that I do every year, but this year I'm not calling them resolutions. I am calling them goals because I do much better hitting the target when I know where the target is.
My first goal is to put God first in EVERY thing I do. Before I do something I will ask myself, will this honor God?
My second goal is to spend more time at home with my husband and children. I don't want my kids to ask me, "Why do you always have to go back to work?"
My third goal is learn more. This is a very broad goal and I intend to keep track of what I am learning by documenting it here in my online journal.
I have several other goals but those are just a few that I am asking you to hold me accountable for. I promise to post more often this year and I encourage your comments.
Have a Blessed and Prosperous 2010!
Love to all,