For those of you who don't know, Olivia went on a trip with a family friend to Indiana these last 2 weeks. Well, she is back! She had the time of her life! These are just a few of the things she did while she was gone:
1. went to the zoo
2. went to a real working farm and saw 2 baby cows being born
3. went to The American Girl Place (got an American Girl doll named Krissa and had lunch at the American Girl Cafe) which is a really big deal!
4. had a princess tea party
5. had several sleep overs with her new friends, Savannah and MaryBeth
6. ate at the Rainforest Cafe
7. rode bumber boats and go-karts and played putt putt
8. went to an amish market, rode a horse and buggy and got an amish babydoll
9. went to visit her cousins, Lexie and Hunter
10. rode on an airplane there and back
I'd say she is one blessed little girl! I flew to Chicago yesterday to get her and we flew home together today. It is so great to have her home. Her brothers missed her so much. I wish I could say that we had a peaceful evening all night, but...............it was short lived. Olivia wasn't home one hour before the sibling rivalry began. Anyway, I'm just glad all my children are home under one roof. The only thing missing now is my hubby! Paul is in Charlotte, NC but will be on a 6am flight home tomorrow morning. So then our family will all be together again.
Thank You, Lord, for watching over Livi while she was away from us. Thank You for giving us such a wonderful neighbor, Ms. Pam and Mr. Bernie. They took such great care of Olivia while she was with them. Lord, give Olivia peace about starting school next week. She is sad that her best friends are at a new school this year. Comfort her as she goes into a new class and give her the courage to make new friends. I know that Olivia has awesome potential and I trust in You that You will bring that potential out in her this year, Lord. I ask all these things in Your precious Son, Jesus' name.
Love to all,
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