Tuesday, September 7, 2010

lessons to be learned

Good morning, world. Just a little epiphany I had this morning, I thought I'd share. If I am supposed to set an example for my children, then why do I behave so badly in front of them? And why do I get so upset when they behave badly in front of me?
When my children act up and are disobedient, it frustrates me beyond belief. It occured to me that when I act up and am disobedient to God, it frustrates Him. The difference is His grace is sufficient and His mercy is new every morning.
I seem to be asking my children all the time, "How many times have I told you.............?" and I realized that God tells me over and over, in His word, how I should live and what I should say. And yet, I still don't listen sometimes.

Heavenly Father,
Please forgive me for acting like a spoiled brat sometimes. Help me to see my children the way you see me. Shower me with your grace so I may give my children the same grace that You bestow upon me, day after day. Thank You for blessing me with 3 beautiful, healthy children. Thank You for the air in my lungs every morning and for Your mercy, which is new every morning.
In Jesus' name,

Lesson learned.
Love to all,

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